Massage Therapies by Anahita
Marma &  Face Therapy
Varying pressure is applied to specific energy (marma) points on the face to revitalise the tissues. The combination of gentle balancing touch, stimulating scalp and ear massage together with aromatic oils re-energises the muscles and skin, and youthful looks return as tension and stress are relieved from the face and body. Ideal for head and neck pain, insomniacs and people who would like to try injection free rejuvenation.  With 100% Natural products

Ayurvedic Full Body Healing Massage
From toes to head stimulating varying pressure and marma points. Deeply relaxing and refreshing massage, good for stress release, insomnia, and helps to make stonger the body-mind-soul connection.
Ayurvedic DETOX  Massage with herbal powder
This is an Ayurvedic body scrub, detoxifying, slimming massage with aromatic oils, herbal powder uses to stimulate blood circulation and effectively drains the lymphatic system. Udvartanam softens and exfoliates the skin, improves muscle tone. Ideal for people with heavy legs, bad circulation and cellulite
Contact me:
Anita Csurilla (ANAHITA)- 00 34 672 407325
Holistic physiotherapy by Wouter
A clear diagnosis is crucial to be able to treat a health issue. Pain, discomfort, or any other health problem should be recognized as ‘symptoms’. Common symptoms are: headaches, spine-related problems, knee problems, tennis elbow’s, etc. 
In the ‘modern’ society people visit a doctor or medical specialist for their problems. The diagnosis the doctor gives is mostly symptom-related. People are shopping from one doctor to the next doctor, which all give them a symptom based diagnosis, which is not really a diagnosis because it does not explain where the pain comes from(etiology). It therefore does not give any foundation to solve the problem. If the cause is not clear, there is no purpose to give medicines, operate, or treat the ‘symptom’ in any way.
To really make a difference we need to understand the chain of movement. We see the body as a whole. The discomfort and the pain should be treated at the source.
We experience that only a causal approach can lead to healing and happiness. By treating the cause we re-activate the self-healing ability of the body. 
Several diagnosis and treatment techniques are being used. For example, spinal and joint techniques, meridian and abdominal pressure points, or non-invasive techniques to release tension.
The best way to explain how the treatment works, is to give a few examples.
Example 1:
A woman is complaining about severe problems in the right knee for years. The problems were getting worse. The knee is swollen and every step she takes the pain is unbearable. She has been seeing many therapists, doctors, and says she “already tried everything”. Many therapists treated the knee, she did exercises, and the doctor injected an anti-inflammatory substance..
If we step back, and take a look at the whole body, we can see a different picture. This clears things up, and also explains where the problems really start. 
The pelvis is not balanced, which gives tension in the hamstrings, and pulls the lower part of the knee joint behind. It gives pressure to the tissues inside the knee, pulls back the Patella, and gives a friction and inflammation in all knee joints.
The right foot is blocked which results in a compensative moving pattern in the knee. Also the Fibula bone which is connected to the foot, AND the knee, is blocked in 2 directions and forces the knee to it’s limits.
An easy conclusion would be to treat these joints in the hips, lower back, the foot and fibula. So we did, and she could walk the stairs again after 2-3 weeks.
Example 2: 
A man having all kinds of problems in the body. Lower back, neck, left knee, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, awakes many times during the night, etc. He was under supervision of a cardiologist who gave him medicine for his problems. While asking him questions I mentioned his diet. I was fully convinced that his diet had a huge influence on his current state of health and health issues. He was willing to change his diet in a way he could still enjoy his food and life. Because his son already told him about the changes and improvements he made, he was willing to give it a chance.
We decided to take things slowly, step by step. Every time he was ready for new adjustments he asked me for new directions. 
6 weeks after his change he went back for a supervision at the cardiologist to measure his blood values. The doctor said: “The medicines are doing their job, excellent! Your blood pressure and cholesterol are all below critical values.” The man told the doctor he did not use the medicine, but instead he changed his diet. The doctor said this was “Impossible”. 
Example 3:
A professional tennis player asked me to take a look at his wrist. He couldn’t hold his racket anymore, and could not bend or extend the wrist, even after 3 months of rest. He was very worried about his career. 
He visited many therapists, even the therapist of one of the two biggest football clubs in Spain. I treated him for 1 hour because his problems were severe. After the treatment he could hold his racket, extend and bend the wrist to a full extend with no pain, and there was a huge smile on his face. 
There was a small joint stuck in his wrist, could not fully extend the elbow, the shoulder wasn’t moving properly, neck and lower back problems, etc. His whole system and full range of motion was blocked . 
Imagine if you hit a ball playing tennis, or doing any kind of other sports, and the whole(or parts of) the chain of movement is blocked… There has to be some kind of compensation. In this case the wrist was overcompensating, and the body has to work harder to make the same movement. Treating the whole chain balanced the system, so the wrist could recover. After 3 treatments in 1 week period, and 3 weeks off he was able to play tournaments on the highest professional level again.