Wouter van der Heijden
Founder of a physiotherapy practice, 'Move2Prevent', Rijswijk, The Netherlands. Built a quality and referral based practice during 10 years( 2004-2014). Specialized in complex physical injuries and syndromes. Treated several (inter)national top tennis players (ATP, ATP challenger, Future and WTA-players) successfully. 
Experienced in the orthopedic and neurological fields. Skilled in treating causes, instead of symptoms for profound and sustainable results. Understanding and approaching the body as a system and a living human being, treating in a holistic and complementary way.
Educated as a Bachelor’s Degree physiotherapist at the private University of Applied Sciences Thim van der Laan, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands (2004). Improved scientific approaches by a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy Sciences (2006/2007), consortium: Thim van der Laan, Technical University of Lisboa, The Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. 
Educated in Osteopathic Manipulations, International Association of Osteopathy (2010).
Position in a high end professional environment. Offering professional services. Balancing expectations of the client within a professional approach, providing treatments with respect for position and beliefs of the client, proactive coaching of lifestyles, improving quality of life, and assisting people to a next level of personal and societal wealth. 
University of Applied Sciences Thim van der Laan.
Bachelor’s Degree Physiotherapy Sciences
Nieuwegein, Utrecht, 
The Netherlands
Graduated November 2014
Most reputed private Bachelor’s in Physiotherapy Sciences in The Netherlands. Well known in Europe. International students, especially from Scandinavia, are drawn to this school for it's renowned quality.
The university has respected professors and a competence oriented educational system. The philosophy is to educate the student on a broad theoretical base first, to lay a foundation for the practical part, privately or in smaller classes. It is critical first to know every part of the body before a students starts exercising on people’s bodies, to know exactly what they are doing. In contrast to other schools, Thim van der Laan's philosophy is to start with teaching a solid and broad theoretical base, before moving on to the practical application. Exactly knowing what they are doing allows the students to deliver exceptionally high quality treatments.
This unique combination of theory and practice is also reflected in the fact that Thim van der Laan is the only university of applied sciences for physiotherapy in The Netherlands where one has to pass a final overall practical exam, theoretical exam, examination treatment with a real patient in a practice environment, and a scientific thesis, before graduation.
University of Applied Sciences Thim van der Laan.
Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy Sciences
Nieuwegein, Utrecht, 
The Netherlands
Master Degree course in Physical Therapy Sciences was organized in a consortium by University of Applied Sciences Thim van der Laan, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Technical University of Lisboa, Portugal. During the Master course we were educated in the following disciplines:
- Research Methodology - Biostatistics - Scientific writing skills - Biomechanics - Neuromuscular aspects of sports and rehabilitation - Musculoskeletal Histology - Musculoskeletal Physiology - Clinical Epidemiology - Cardiovascular Physiology and Rehabilitation - Health Aspects of Nutrition.
After completing most of the exams, students were unable to complete the last remaining exams and the last stages of the thesis due to a disagreement between professors of the Universities and University of Applied Sciences Thim van der Laan.
Employment History
Fysiotherapie Move2Prevent
                  Rijswijk, Zuid-Holland, 
                  The Netherlands
November 2004 – October 2014
My objective in this practice was to deliver high quality and be effective in a professional and competitive way: to make a real difference. To deliver medical assessments and treatments that correlate with the expectations of the client in a professional framework.
In order to give the best treatment, the assessment is crucial. Focus on the deeper source of discomfort, instead of just mitigating symptoms, is vital to my high rate of succes. My style is to use non-invasive techniques to relax and cure the body and tissues from the inside, to optimize the effect, and limit side-effects.
Most of the treatments start from the root cause in the body's center, for example the spine, or even deeper. From this center I move outside to the peripheral parts of the body. I like to spend all time necessary, so the client can relax. In this way I can assess and treat effectively.
I’ve treated many (inter)national top tennis players, and traveled with them to tournaments. My treatments allowed them to achieve higher (inter)national rankings.
My other personal passion is healthy and delicious food. I’ve created a balanced diet and lifestyle, and enjoying the natural and nourishing foods the world offers. I like to share this passion with my clients. Organizer of healthy food parties.
Motto: You can only enjoy your wealth with good health.
Wouter – 0034625292703