GAIA - Gate of Awareness Integration and Awakening


 I am Unique
I am  Gorgeous


 I am awakening as the return of divine love and light.   


As you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are healed, and together our petals open ecstatically to the new Sun of Flowers.

I am transformed, we are transformed. We are all One!


 "We dont need anymore anger we need more self acceptance and more selflove.

When we can accept ourselves right now, as we are right now without any critisism or judgment, then we are truly loving ourselves and the negative patterns must desolve.

If we wait until we have the new job before we love ourselves or if we wait until we lose wait before we love ourselves or if we wait until someone else loves us before we love ourselves, then we are deny our exsitence right now.

If we wait until we become perfect before we love ourselves,  we waist our lifes .

We are already the  perfect outer expressions of our inner understanding and we will change , but the changes we make when we love and  accept  ourselves are always positive.

So let reliese the anger and all those negative beliefs about ourselves and about life and beginn the prosess of accepting and approving  of who and what we are  in the here and NOW!!!

The knowledge and undesrtaning that you are already incoorporating  this state of wholeness.

We will help you to change your life and desolves the negative patterns.

No negative condition can remain our life when we truly love and accept ourselves.

Love desloves anger. Love fades away fear. Love gets rid  of guilt.  Love is the healing power."

Louise Hay

On a phisycal level we suggest you a good nutritionist, who undesrtands the  importants of good food in your diet and how  it can help rebuild your body.

Body Mind and Spirit must be balanced.

You are what you eat, just beginn what you are,  do your best what you can!


It is like cleaning a house…it does not matter in what room you beginn, if you keep going eventually the whole house becomes clean.


We help you create new thought patters that you can use to desolve disease in your body and to built  a perfect vibrante health.


"What ever you need it comes to you in the right  order!!!"